40 Acres Archive Collection

40 Acres was:

Brannon Justin: Vocals, Guitars
Eric Siegel: Guitars,Bass
Wade Newbury: Drums, Vocals

Tim Franklin: Guitars, Vocals

Previous Members:

Brian Barfield: Bass, Vocals
Jared Foreman: Bass

Live recordings...

D.T.'s Lake - Recorded at the 40 Watt Club - Athens, GA 8/5/1998

Love Slave - Recorded at the 40 Watt Club - Athens, GA 8/5/1998

Better Than Hercules - Recorded at the 40 Watt Club - Athens, GA 8/5/1998

My Rachelle - Recorded at the 40 Watt Club - Athens, GA 8/5/1998

Outside - Recorded at the 40 Watt Club - Athens, GA 8/5/1998

Jared's Song (Instrumental) - Recorded at The Georgia Theater- Athens, GA 3/14/1998

Quadrology - Recorded at the 40 Watt Club - Athens, GA 8/5/1998

Franklin's Tower - Recorded Tasty World - Athens, GA in 1998


Studio Recordings...

Prelease the Hounds sessions:

1. Same Old Song On The Breeze

2. I've Been Waiting

3. Kinda Low

4. Have You Ever

5. The Point (Live cut from the 40 Watt)


©2025 40 Acres